Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2006 - Search String
Generated 01-Jul-2006 04:15 EDT

         Hits      Search String
----------------  ----------------------

51        11.06%  barnes akathisia scale
35         7.59%  severe impairment battery
33         7.16%  medafile
21         4.56%  cohen-mansfield agitation inventory
18         3.90%  barnes akathisia rating scale
13         2.82%  abnormal involuntary movement scale
13         2.82%  cohen mansfield agitation inventory
11         2.39%  simpson angus scale
9          1.95%  adcs-adl
9          1.95%  simpson-angus scale
8          1.74%  barnes akathisia
8          1.74%  cmai
8          1.74%  neuropsychiatric inventory
6          1.30%  alzheimer's screening
5          1.08%  dementia screen
5          1.08%  j. wesson ashford
5          1.08%  zydep
4          0.87%  cohen-mansfield
4          0.87%  memtrax
4          0.87%  mmse copyright issues
4          0.87%  sib alzheimer
4          0.87%  sib scale
3          0.65%  aims scale
3          0.65%  akathisia barnes scale
3          0.65%  mmse copyright
3          0.65%  the barnes akathisia scale
3          0.65%  updrs
2          0.43%  adcs-adl maximum score
2          0.43%  akathisia
2          0.43%  akathisia scale
2          0.43%  alzheimers screening
2          0.43%  ashford center for psychiatry
2          0.43%  barnes scale
2          0.43%  barnes's akathisia scale
2          0.43%  bprs
2          0.43%  brief cognitive exam
2          0.43%  ciwa scoring
2          0.43%  clinical institute withdrawal assessment for alcohol
2          0.43%  clinical institute withdrawal assessment for alcohol scale
2          0.43%  cognitive impairment screening test
2          0.43%  cohen mansfield
2          0.43%  cohen-mansfield agitation
2          0.43%  cohen-mansfield agitation inventory (cmai)
2          0.43%  cohen-mansfield inventory for behavior
2          0.43%  dementia mood assessment scale
2          0.43%  dementia testing animals named in 1 minute
2          0.43%  inner restlessness
2          0.43%  j wesson ashford
2          0.43%  memory %2bevaluation %2balzheimer%27s
2          0.43%  mood assessment scale
2          0.43%  neuropsychiatric inventory npi
2          0.43%  neuropsychiatric inventory-nursing home version
2          0.43%  online screening test memory
2          0.43%  should older adults be screened for dementia
2          0.43%  simpson angus
2          0.43%  simpson-angus
2          0.43%  the cohen-mansfield agitation inventory
2          0.43%  ucla geriatric psychiatry
2          0.43%  va mmse copyright
2          0.43%  wes ashford
2          0.43%  what is delusion and hallucination
2          0.43%
2          0.43%
1          0.22%  %22abnormal involuntary movement scale%22
1          0.22%  'abnormal involuntary movement scale'
1          0.22%  (aims) scale
1          0.22%  24-item hamilton depression rating scale
1          0.22%  abnormal involuntary movement scales
1          0.22%  abnormal movement involuntary scale
1          0.22%  activities for chairbound dementia
1          0.22%  aims abnormal involuntary movement
1          0.22%  aims abnormal involuntary movement scale
1          0.22%  aims involuntary movement
1          0.22%  akathisia rating scale
1          0.22%  alcohol withdrawal burning sensations
1          0.22%  alcohol withdrawal burning skin
1          0.22%  almond cholinesterase inhibitor
1          0.22%  alzheimer disease assessment scale
1          0.22%  alzheimer screen
1          0.22%  alzheimer's 1 minute test
1          0.22%  alzheimer's and almonds
1          0.22%  alzheimer's disease assessment scale (adas
1          0.22%  alzheimer's disease assessment scale (adas)
1          0.22%  alzheimer's online test
1          0.22%  alzheimer's performs adl
1          0.22%  alzheimer's prevention recommendations
1          0.22%  alzheimer's vitamin e c ibuprofen delay onset
1          0.22%  angus scale
1          0.22%  argumentive statements
1          0.22%  ashford and stanford alzheimer's center
1          0.22%  ashford jw
1          0.22%  ashford should older adults
1          0.22%  baby aspirin blood pressure bedtime
1          0.22%  barnes akathisia presence of characteristic restless movements
1          0.22%  barnes akathisia rating scales
1          0.22%  barnes akathisia scale.
1          0.22%  barnes-akathisia scale
1          0.22%  cellular neurophysiological approaches in the study of learning
1          0.22%  cmai agitation
1          0.22%  cognitive impairment mild
1          0.22%  cohen mansfield agitation inventory information
1          0.22%  cohen mansfield inventory
1          0.22%  cohen- mansfield agitation inventory
1          0.22%  cohen-mansfield agitation inventory cmai
1          0.22%  contuing education in toronto canada
1          0.22%  define: alzhimer disease
1          0.22%  dementia mood
1          0.22%  dementia screens
1          0.22%  dmas mood assessment
1          0.22%  dr j wesson ashford phd md
1          0.22%  dr jim geddes curriculum vitae
1          0.22%  elderly rage
1          0.22%  family medical history form
1          0.22%  geriatric psychiatry presentation slide
1          0.22%  good replacement for sulindac
1          0.22%  hamilton rating scale(24 item)
1          0.22%  how does head numbness feel
1          0.22%  hypotheses
1          0.22%  indomethacin helps sleep
1          0.22%  indomethacin higher blood sugar
1          0.22%  j. wesson ashford md phd
1          0.22%  loss of speech alzheimer's time frame
1          0.22%  medafile cognitive screening
1          0.22%  medical family history check list
1          0.22%  memtrax 3
1          0.22%  mendiondo et al 2000
1          0.22%  mild cognitive impairment
1          0.22%  mild moderate severe anxiety
1          0.22%  mmse and public domain
1          0.22%  modified updrs
1          0.22%  neuroplasticity new synapses axons dendrites
1          0.22%  neurotez
1          0.22%  npi scale
1          0.22%  npi-nh
1          0.22%  npi-q
1          0.22%  online alzheimer screen
1          0.22%  ph.d. neuroscience ucla
1          0.22%  photograph of cognitive impairment
1          0.22%  picshow1
1          0.22%  powerpoint of geriatric psychiatry lectures
1          0.22%  public domain and mmse
1          0.22%  rage agitation scale
1          0.22%
1          0.22%  rocking on feet
1          0.22%  screen for dementia
1          0.22%  screening alzheimer
1          0.22%  screening questions for dementia
1          0.22%  screening questions on alzheimer's
1          0.22%  semla cohen freels
1          0.22%  severe impairment battery (sib)
1          0.22%  severe impairment battery form
1          0.22%  simpson and angus scale
1          0.22%  stanford alzheimer's test
1          0.22%  systine chapel
1          0.22%  tekirian tl cv
1          0.22%  the cohen-mansfield agitation inventory (cmai)
1          0.22%  the severe impairment battery
1          0.22%
1          0.22%

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01